[Mediawiki-l] backup and restore problem

judi chen judi_chen at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 22 17:35:56 UTC 2005

I did the following steps to test the mediawiki backup
and restore process. But I cannot fully restored the
mediawiki, some template lost and some articles lost

The steps I did are as following,

1. I dump the database.
mysqldump -u root -p --single-transaction chpwikidb >

2. Then I ftp the backup.sql in the BINARY mode from
server A to server B

3. Create a database with the same name 'chpwikidb' on
server B.

 $ mysql -u root -p
  Enter root password: ****

  mysql> create database chpwikidb;
  mysql> use chpwikidb;

4. Import 'chpwikidb' from A on B by executing the
dumped sql script, make sure it is located in the
current directory.

  mysql> source backup.sql;

5. Install MediaWiki as usual, but change the
database's name from the default 'wikidb' to
'chpwikidb' MediaWiki will detect there is a
pre-existing database and try to upgrade it when

Also, the language setting MUST be the same as the
original one!!

But Finally, the new mediawiki I restored on server B
does not have all the info of the mediawiki on Server

Would you pls kindly let me know what I did wrong.


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