[Mediawiki-l] iso-8859-1 conversion to UTF-8 failed during upgrade from 1.4.0 to 1.5.2

erchache2000 erchache2000.enciclopedia at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 16:01:26 UTC 2005

Its needless to say to make BACKUPS of all your database data and images 
before apply any change.

1- make a dump of your database.
2- make a cp from your database.sql to isodatabase.sql, to take a backup 
to apply utf8 conversion.
3- apply iconv: iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 isodatabase.sql > 
4- make a cp from your utf8database.sql to test.sql, to take a backup to 
upgrade to 1.5.x.
4- Make upgrade on webbrowser with test.sql
5- If everything is good, your system are on 1.5.x version. (but on my 
specific system fails....)

Well, i think this is correct, its all i know about the process...

Good Luck...

Andre Oliveira da Costa escribió:

>Hi Christof,
>On Tue, 8 Nov 2005 14:49:11 +0100
>Christof Damian <christof at damian.net> wrote:
>>On Tue, 08 Nov 2005, Andre Oliveira da Costa wrote:
>>>we are running mediawiki v1.4.0 with a iso-8859-1 DB, and as we
>>>tried to upgrade, locale conversion from iso-8859-1 to UT-8 didn't
>>>work as all latin1 chars like çéõ etc. got replaced by
>>>",". This would be "only" a PITA if we had to manually convert
>>>accented chars by hand, but it turned out that the converstion of
>>>URLs with latin1 chars sent some pages into a blackhole -- they
>>>simply seem to disappear.
>>I had the same problem, when using the upgrade1_5.php and update.php
>>scripts. After I put this into my LocalSettings.php it worked though: 
>>  $wgLegacyEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
>Mmmh... this looks promising. But with this setting did you need to run
>upgrade1_5.php after all? Or did this simply tell mediawiki to "accept"
>iso-8859-1, and you left your DB untouched? 
>If I were sure this setting is going to be around forever, I would
>probably go this way, too. But, I am affraid iso-8859-1 might not be
>supported at all in a near future and, in this case we would just be
>putting off an inevitable upgrade to UTF-8... Do you know if this
>setting is official or is it an "undocumented feature"?

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