[Mediawiki-l] Small Wiki Farm

Laurie Lewis ldlewis at swiftdsl.com.au
Wed Dec 14 23:47:24 UTC 2005

Sorry but any assistance gratefully accepted.  I am very new to this and
trying to set up a number of wikis on the one site.  All of them will
deal with the same topic they are just in different languages.  I have
been playing around with it for a while but seem to just keep breaking
it.  I also found this article but I am having some problems following

How do I create a small wiki farm?

After copying the mediawiki source tree in /opt/mediawiki/ you need to
run something like:
 mkdir .../wiki
 cd .../wiki
 mkdir images
 ln -s /opt/mediawiki/languages /opt/mediawiki/maintenance \
   /opt/mediawiki/skins /opt/mediawiki/redirect.php .
 cp -a /opt/mediawiki/config/ .
 chown www-data: config/
 cp /opt/mediawiki/index.php index.php
Then add /opt/mediawiki to the commands which set the include_path in
config/index.php and add something like this to the main index.php:
 ini_set( "include_path", "/opt/mediawiki:." ); # line added
 require_once( 'includes/Defines.php' ); # this line used to include
*	make sure your webserver can read from /opt/mediawiki
What I have done so far.
Mkdir mediawiki      //Placed all the mediawiki files into this
Created directories for 
Using root directory for English
Created symbolic links for all files and directories in /mediawiki in
each language based directory
Ran the installation process for each language based wiki  and moved
For each wiki I am using a separate database as when I tried to use one
database with prefixes it did not work -  It would not show appropriate
languages for each wiki but got stuck on one.
The only settings that different in each of the wiki's is basically the
languagecode and databasename.  I have tried moving nearly all the
settings from the LocalSettings.php to a CommonSettings.php file and
calling it with an include_once statement but this just seems to break
things also.
Can anyone give me some very simple instructions on how to do this.

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