[Mediawiki-l] Re: 1.5.2 problems with MySQL 5.0.16?

Jan Steinman Jan at Bytesmiths.com
Wed Dec 14 07:28:17 UTC 2005

> From: Brion Vibber <brion.vibber at gmail.com>
> On 12/13/05, Jan Steinman <Jan at bytesmiths.com> wrote:
>> Yea, I briefly considered that, but the other sites (including MW1.4
>> sites) ARE working with MySQL 5, and this is a spankin' brand new
>> installation of MacOS X 10.4.3, complete with the latest patches.
> If those sites were installed under the old version of MySQL and you
> haven't done anything to change them, they'll still have the old-style
> passwords on their db user accounts.
> If you installed a new wiki under MySQL 5.0, it'll show

I'm pretty convinced it is not a password problem.

> PHP 4.x includes built-in libraries for MySQL 3.23.x, which is
> compatible with MySQL 4.0.x. MySQL 4.1.x changes the protocol a bit,
> most annoyingly in the authentication protocol. Please see the
> documentation on dev.mysql.com for more details there on workarounds
> if you need to use the old libraries.

I've spent all day researching this. The password issue -- and its  
work-arounds -- seems pretty well explained at:

I completely removed the password from the MediaWiki database,  
changing it as well in LocalSettings.php. And once again, I get the  

So the stack dump I sent earlier is the true problem that I was  
masking by messing with the password. (I got the stack dump when I  
still had a MySQL 4 password, and only got the infamous "client does  
not support" message after changing the password.)

I verified on one of my MW 1.4 sites that putting a new password in  
causes a problem, and that doing the remedies in the above web page  
work. But not for the MW 1.5 site!

I also tried downloading and including a php function lib called  
"mysql2i.php" that purports to fix the problem, but it does not --  
same stack dump.

> If you recompile PHP against the updated MySQL libraries, it will be
> able to use the new-style passwords without problems.

But again, I don't think my particular problem has to do with this.

Here's the dump once again, which you can see for yourself at  
www.EcoReality.org . This is with NO password in either  
LocalSettings.php nor mysql.user.Password:

Error in fetchObject(): MySQL server has gone away
	GlobalFunctions.php line 451 calls wfbacktrace()
	Database.php line 531 calls wfdebugdiebacktrace()
	MessageCache.php line 151 calls databasemysql::fetchobject()
	MessageCache.php line 94 calls messagecache::loadfromdb()
	MessageCache.php line 247 calls messagecache::load()
	GlobalFunctions.php line 342 calls messagecache::get()
	GlobalFunctions.php line 322 calls wfmsggetkey()
	GlobalFunctions.php line 297 calls wfmsgreal()
	OutputPage.php line 657 calls wfmsgnodb()
	Database.php line 411 calls outputpage::databaseerror()
	Database.php line 358 calls databasemysql::reportqueryerror()
	BagOStuff.php line 382 calls databasemysql::query()
	BagOStuff.php line 279 calls mediawikibagostuff::_doquery()
	BagOStuff.php line 228 calls mediawikibagostuff::_query()
	MessageCache.php line 83 calls mediawikibagostuff::get()
	MessageCache.php line 247 calls messagecache::load()
	GlobalFunctions.php line 342 calls messagecache::get()
	GlobalFunctions.php line 322 calls wfmsggetkey()
	GlobalFunctions.php line 288 calls wfmsgreal()
	index.php line 77 calls wfmsgforcontent()

:::: I reject your reality and replace it with my own. -- Kelly O'Toole
:::: Jan Steinman <http://www.Bytesmiths.com/Van>

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