[Mediawiki-l] Animal Kingdom Database (New Thread)

David Blomstrom webmaster at geobop.org
Thu Aug 4 18:46:15 UTC 2005

(I guess I appended my last post onto another thread somehow, so I'll 
give it another try...this is supposed to be the beginning of a new thread!)

I want to learn how to make a content management system for a website 
focusing on the animal kingdom. It will be somewhat similar to the 
Animal Diversity Web. Here's an example of their pages:


But my site will have more features, and the appearance will be more 
refined. The body will consist of three columns, with advertising in the 
right column. I would like the URLs to display like this:


Would MediaWiki be a good choice for a project like this?  I was 
thinking about trying Mambo, but I haven't even received answers to my 
most basic questions on their users list. I downloaded and installed 
Plone, which is what the Animal Diversity Web, but it's a can of worms - 
not even remotely user friendly.


http://www.geobop.org/ (Geobop) | http://www.geoworld.org/ (GeoWorld) | http://www.geozoo.org (GeoZoo) |
 http://www.geosymbols.org (GeoSymbols) | http://www.politix.us/ (Kids' Politix)

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