[Mediawiki-l] Page title issues

John Blumel johnblumel at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 26 23:29:59 UTC 2005

MediaWiki v1.4.0, MySQL v4.0.21...

I have NO entry in my cur table with cur_title="De Ossibus".

I do have a cur table entry with cur_title="De ossibus"

Yet, entering "De Ossibus" in the search box and clicking Go takes me 
to "De ossibus"

A little experimenting shows that, if I create a page with the title 
"The new york times", entering "The New York Times" in the search box 
and clicking Go will take me there. But, if I make any of the letters 
besides the first upper case, such as "The new York times", then I have 
to match the title exactly by case to get to the page.

I thought the titles were supposed to be completely case sensitive, but 
it seems as though they are sometimes but not others.

Is this supposed to be the normal behavior? If so, is there a reason 
why it works this way? If not, is this a known issue or has anyone else 
experienced this behavior?

John Blumel

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