[Mediawiki-l] medawiki external authentication: http or ldap

Thomas Rother t.rother at netzwissen.de
Tue Sep 7 10:19:27 UTC 2004

just a question to developers:
Have there been any attempts to use some kind of external authentication
for mediawiki? Any source where I can grab code from?

I am looking for ways to use mediawki in an intranet environment with

a) http authentication: mediawiki recognizes a user as "logged in" if he
has already logged in through http (401 request)
b) ldap authentication: mediawiki recognizes a user as "logged in" if an
ldap server has granted access. Either directly (= medaiwiki asking ldap
itself) or "indirectly" through an apache module like mod_auth_ldap.

In the ldap case, it would also be interesting if it is possible to get
authorization info ("who is allowed to do what") not from the mediawiki
sql database, but from an ldap server.

     THOMAS M. ROTHER  *  n e t z w i s s e n  *  D-73728 Esslingen
    F.R. Germany, European Union  *  mailto:t.rother at netzwissen.de
  http://www.netzwissen.de  *  GPG Key from http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
     Fingerprint B208 E204 4249 4635 19B9 B691 3E73 C8B9 1229 DE4C

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