[Mediawiki-l] (~bug) "watch" confirmation page doesn't link back to last page

Sterling D. Allan sterlingda at pureenergysystems.com
Sat Aug 28 13:36:55 UTC 2004

This isn't really a bug as much as something to be upgraded for a future
release of mediawiki.

I notice that when I click on the "watch" link for a particular page (at
www.peswiki.com) that the result page that confirms that the page has been
added to my watch list generates a link that says, "return to Main Page"
rather than the page that I was just on.

It would be nice if that link took me back to the page I was just on.

Mediawiki is a great program.  I am deeply grateful to all those who have
helped develop it and who continue to improve it.  When PES gets major
funding (pending) we plan to express that gratitude on a continual basis in
financial way to help carry our weight.


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