[Labs-l] /usr/bin/jsub -once echo "Goodbye!"

Marc A. Pelletier marc at uberbox.org
Tue Dec 29 13:48:09 UTC 2015

Hey Labs!

Effective Dec 31, I'll no longer be a staff member of the Foundation;
this means the care of Labs will now be in the hands of the other teams
members (including Chase, who has recently joined the labs team, so you
are all in good hands!)

That said, I'm going to keep stalking labs!  I'll be around continuing
to give a hand in a volunteer capacity as time allows, and I'll ramp my
own involvement with actual tools back up.

And we'll keep on seeing each other: I will do my best to attend
community events as time and budget allows, and we will definitely see
each other at the very least at the Hackathons preceeding the Esino
Lario Wikimania next summer, and that preceeding the Montréal Wikimania
in 2017, where it'll be my pleasure to be your host.

See you around, and keep on hackin'

-- Marc

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