[Labs-l] paste with stikkit!

Petr Bena benapetr at gmail.com
Mon May 26 19:57:31 UTC 2014


(TL;DR; Note: last paragraph is only interesting one :P)
we have a pastebin on https://tools.wmflabs.org/paste which some of
you probably knew, but what you didn't know is that you can paste to
it even from terminal!

There is a broken tool called "pastebinit" which was designed for
pastebin.com and wasn't compatible with open source pastebin software
we use, for that reason I created a tool called "stikkit" which does
the same, but works and is compatible with our pastebin.

Despite stikkit is well packaged and super easy to deploy, given
internal tool labs policies, it's pretty hard to deploy, so for now I
just copied it to /shared/stikkit

If you want to pastebin from terminal, all you need to do is run one
of these in terminal:

/shared/stikkit # will be interactive, after you finish writing, hit ctrl+d

echo "hello" | /shared/stikkit
cat /etc/passwd | /shared/stikkit
/shared/stikkit -i /etc/passwd -t "this is a secret paste" -p

or just run /shared/stikkit --help

have fun

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