[Labs-l] MariaDB 10, take 2

Sean Pringle springle at wikimedia.org
Thu Aug 7 03:33:48 UTC 2014

Firstly, the labsdb1003 upgrade hasn't gone ahead. That means s[367].labsdb
still point to the old instances.

There are some issues that need to be fixed on labsdb100[12] first rather
than breaking all three boxes at once:

1. Switching back to SSD. The old instances have been removed and the new
instances need brief downtime to move data around. This has started on
labsdb1001 *today*.

Apologies for the surprise downtime; remember that both the new instances
allow access to all wikis, so, for example, one can get to enwiki_p and
centralauth_p via commonswiki.labsdb.

2. A number of bugs that need to be addressed:


There are others too, mostly performance related. Some are affected by the
lack-of-SSD but that's not the only factor. A minor version upgrade to
10.0.12 will be involved.


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