[Labs-l] Hand tuning needed for puppetmaster::self and role::puppet::self instances

Andrew Bogott abogott at wikimedia.org
Tue Jul 30 18:37:30 UTC 2013

I made some recent changes to the structure of the labs-private puppet 
repo which introduced a circular dependency between the puppet and 
private repos.  So, today, if you update your puppet repo then 
subsequent puppet runs will throw errors like:

     Could not find class passwords::puppet::database for 
i-00000861.pmtpa.wmflabs at /etc/puppet/manifests/base.pp:84

To fix, first update your private repo like this:

$ sudo sh -c 'cd /var/lib/git/labs/private && GIT_SSH=/var/lib/git/ssh 
git pull --rebase'

Then, add a line to your puppet.conf so that it can find modules in the 
private repo:

$ sudo sh -c "echo 
'modulepath=/etc/puppet/private/modules/:/etc/puppet/modules' >> 

That will get things unstuck, and subsequent puppet runs will organize 
things into a stable, happy state.


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