[Labs-l] Hello, and the short term plans

Marc A. Pelletier marc at uberbox.org
Tue Feb 26 00:21:03 UTC 2013

On 02/25/2013 07:09 PM, Tim Landscheidt wrote:
> This may be overkill for some libraries, and you can emulate
> the package management provided by the OS with a bunch of
> ad-hoc scripts and very strict SOPs, but in a environment
> where all boxes will run Ubuntu and knowledge about Debian
> packaging is relatively widespread, I think going the extra
> mile (well, rather yard) is definitely worth it.

That's an interesting approach.  Something along the lines of a "Tool 
Labs PPD" then that relies on puppet for deployment?

There are clear upsides, there, but I see two hurdles that need to be 

1) what of tools that want or need to use different versions of the same 
asset; and
2) who gets to update that package (i.e. who decides when to pull and 

The alternative, storing the shared code in gerrit, means that the 
individual tools simply clone "locally" and can merge or cherry-pick as 

I don't think it's clear at this point in time which is the better 
model, honestly.

-- Marc

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