[Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Wikimedia Board Elections

Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 24 16:51:32 UTC 2006

--- Jimmy Wales <jwales at wikia.com> wrote:

> geni wrote:
> > En is the biggest project by any reasonable
> metric. Thus it seems
> > reasonable that it sould have a significant say
> over who ultimately
> > runs it.
> I don't think anyone would disagree with that, of
> course.
> The question is, how to make sure that people in
> smaller language 
> projects have a proper voice.  It is not trivial to
> do this in a 
> sensible way.
> The current situation is not horrible in this
> regard, because it does 
> not matter where someone *comes from* per se, so
> long as they take a 
> global approach.
> --Jimbo
> _______________________________________________

Why do you believe low voter turnout is due to direct
elections?  Why is it not simply due to apathy or lack
of understanding about the Foundation?  To a belief
that the Foundation doesn't directly affect the
smaller projects?  Or some other reason.  Can we
conduct some polls as to why certain projects did not
vote before designing a new election system?

Birgitte SB

Birgitte SB

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