[Foundation-l] Re: Copyright of Vatican stuff

Sabine Cretella sabine_cretella at yahoo.it
Wed Jan 25 21:57:40 UTC 2006

First of all: Thank you Anthere for having copied the mail to me 
privately - when I have plenty of work, the lists I receive sometimes 
are not read.

What Ilario writes is right considering the Italian link he gave - there 
is nothing that states "retroactive". And then thre's the link from 
Anthere of the Times ... and that seems to be retroactive, but I suppose 
they cannot apply it to pubblications that were done before. So if the 
contents in wikibooks was there before that changes they may be there 
... or not?

And I am not sure if the times is right/if Ansa reported only a part of 
it. It would make sense to write the Vatican and ask ... and of course 
refer to the fact that not allowing for the publication (at least on 
Internet) they preclude many people from reading the Pope's writings and 
that it does not at all help to spread the word, but that it prevents it 
from being spread and that basically is against everything written in 
the Bible. This means they give more space to whatever "strange" 
organisation and will have less possibilities to communicate with people 
showing additionally that maybe religion is more about business than 
about "credo" ... hmmm ...

Isn't it funny that the Pope is from the city where I come from?

When I contacted the Radio Vaticana for the Cristmas wishes of Giovanni 
Paolo II they immediately gave me the OK and sent me the file. Through a 
priest who is also member of the Italian discussion group I got 
addresses for terminology, but there is that problem that this 
terminology is not wanted to be included in the actual Wiktionary since 
it does not allow to underline that it is "terminology of the Roman 
Catholic Church" we are dealing with and that therefore no changes 
should apply. Well WiktionaryZ will help since there we can assure this 
and people can edit and add further information as well. An example on 
how this works is the GEMET data 
(http://epov.org/wd-gemet/index.php/Main_Page) - also that glossary is 
an official one that shows which terminology is to be used. And there 
are "fixed glossaries and thesauri" that should not be changed 
indeliberately, but there we should have proposals for changes and 
additions where one can see "that is original data and that are the 
changes/additions" and "that is accepted" etc.

So I know the Vatican institutions (besides one of the priests here in 
Maiori) as a group of helpful people - we should simply ask them to get 
things right.

My 2 cts.

Best, Sabine

Anthere wrote:

> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13509-2005615,00.html
> here it says
> The edict covers Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, which is to be 
> issued this week amid huge international interest. The edict is 
> retroactive, covering not only the writings of the present pontiff — 
> as Pope and as cardinal — but also those of his predecessors over the 
> past 50 years. It therefore includes anything written by John Paul II, 
> John Paul I, Paul VI and John XXIII.
> Is it again incorrect press report ?
> ant
> valdelli at bluemail.ch wrote:
>> Sorry, the copyright will be applied only to NEW Vatican's documents.
>> Please, read this:
>> http://www.ansa.it/main/notizie/awnplus/topnews/news/2006-01-22_2439593.html 
>> it's in italian but it's the more importante italian information bureau.
>> If someone need to bring out Vatican's documents he must contact the 
>> Libreria
>> Editrice Vaticana.
>> Ilario


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