[Foundation-l] Request for approval for a wiki for standards

Chris Jenkinson chris at starglade.org
Sat Jan 7 13:07:23 UTC 2006

Gerard Meijssen wrote:
> Hoi,
> On Meta the request for a Wikistandards wiki has been revived. The
> request was voiced at a conference of language standards in  Berlin (Dec
> 12-13, 2005). A significant number of people from the language standards
> community have indicated on Meta that they are interested to actively
> support this effort. See:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Proposals_for_new_projects#Wikistandards
> Thanks,
>  GerardM

Are these standards you would put on this new wiki anything to do with a 
manual of style or writing guidelines?

I also have to ask - is a wiki really the best format for documenting 
standards? A standard is supposed to be an immutable document; it can't 
just be edited and changed by anyone because that's going to ruin 


Chris Jenkinson
chris at starglade.org

"Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful."
  -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

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