[Foundation-l] New project proposal - Wikibuilder

Christiaan Briggs christiaan at last-straw.net
Sun Jan 23 11:03:30 UTC 2005

Andre Engels wrote:

>> Wikimedia's goal is the spread and promotion of knowledge. 
>> Wikibuilder's goal is the spread and promotion of knowledge of a 
>> large section of human understanding (relating to our very survival 
>> on this planet). Wikibuilder fits the ideals of Wikimedia, there 
>> really is no denying this.
> There's thousands of 'large sections of human understanding'.

That wasn't actually the operative point. What's makes it compatible 
with Wikimedia's ideals is the fact that its goal is the spread and 
promotion of knowledge (it just happens to be a very large and 
important portion of knowledge). i.e. it fits the criteria for a new 
project proposal. Whether people think we should do it is another 
question. Conflating these two points isn't useful.

> That's not enough to cut it for me. What is it that makes 'the built 
> environment' more suitable to such a treatment? What is it you want to 
> do in wikibuilder anyway? The term is rather vague, so I'd like to see 
> some more explanation.

Take a look at:


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