[Foundation-l] Re: New wikistats

Jakob Voss jakob.voss at nichtich.de
Wed Aug 31 19:39:27 UTC 2005

Erik Zachte wrote:

> Finally new wikistats

Hooray! You're great :-) It took me half a weekend to get into the new 
XML dump (probably because I wasted time playing around and learning a 
new scripting language - see 
;-). Do you use XML::SAX in perl or how do you parse the dump?

Will there also be new csv files? The old ones have not changed:

Another thing: every time I want to visit the stat I have to search 
because the base directories are not readable:


Can you please rename Sitemap.htm to index.htm or add a .htaccess file 
that makes Sitemap.htm the default page?

Your home page http://eza.gemm.nl/ still points to

So how about creating a HTTP redirect or something like that from

http://www.wikipedia.org/wikistats/       to

so everybody can document the scripts there?

Good work and greetings,

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