[Foundation-l] Information flow

Delphine Ménard notafishz at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 08:52:08 UTC 2005

On 8/18/05, Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:

I [snipped] this post, but on the whole I agree with every single
question asked and point made.

> * exactly on which topic do you feel you are not informed ? Please cite
> some examples of issues where we have been failing ? Was the information
> missing related to legal issues ? To partnership ? To budget ?

> * please cite some examples of how we could inform you. Please not "I
> want to be more informed", but HOW, WHERE, WHEN and under WHICH form.

Excellent questions. I would also like to know where the information
is lacking. This is, at least, the best way to start improving.

> Do you guys realise that the Foundation is basically 10 people while the
> editors are basically thousands ???? In any reasonable organisation,
> there would already be a PR person whose job is 100% communication work.
> We do not have this, but any of you can help. So, it would be nice that
> you just explain where things are failing exactly, where energy should
> be put and best that you yourself help.

And yes again. We have come to a point where all of those involved in
the organisation simply do not have the time, or even the skills, to
have an effective communication policy, and where the "end users" are
asking for more and more information. Having someone do that job on a
full-time basis is the least we could ask for.


> We asked several times, what is needed and
> never got an answer. the answer "give us the money" is not appropriate"
> With my perception
> look at my mail
> http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/foundation-l/2005-August/003915.html
> Look at answers given to it.
> There are none whatsoever.
>  From my perspective, not only did I lose time writting the mail, but I
> do not have the slightest beginning of more information. *I* also feel
> not informed at all.

I might be stepping on some toes here, but I found your e-mail very
informative, and it was, as I understand it, actually answering the
question that was being asked, ie. "what could the Foundation need
that we could look into to see its feasibility". However, please, you
wrote it yesterday, give people a chance to look at the proposals you
made and give you an intelligent answer.
A "thanx for these ideas, we'll be looking into them" certainly would
have been appropriate, but information can also take time to register,
please give at least 24 hours before saying no-one answers.

Apart from that little thing, I am as curious as you are to see what
information is lacking and will definitely welcome ideas on how to
improve it.



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