[Commons-l] repositories of content

jkelly at fas.harvard.edu jkelly at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 13 19:44:05 UTC 2006


> Deputy CIO of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. He has given us permission to
> use any and all of the material created and licensed by that Museum
> according
> to the terms of our license. This includes images, video, video  transcripts,
> All they  are asking for in
> return in attribution. Essentially, although this was not said  in so many
> words,
> they are releasing all of their in-hourse material according  to the terms of
> the GNU-FDL. Larry was especially excited by the prospect of our  people

  Is this some kind of Wikipedia-only licensing?  If it is, are we making an
exception to our rules on reusability?  If not, do they really understand what
they're agreeing to?  How are they going to react when some Neo-Nazi website
makes unpleasant derivative works of their material?  I'm sure that you and
Brad know what's involved here, and this seems to be a fantastic opportunity
for us; I suppose that I'm just asking for reassurance about what seems to be a
remarkable change in either our policy or theirs.


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