[Commons-l] Commons SumItUp

Raimond Spekking raimond.spekking at gmail.com
Wed Aug 30 21:41:03 UTC 2006

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Magnus Manske schrieb:
> I've worked some more on my SumIrUp tool [1], which can generate a list
> of language templates with one-line descriptions for a new article. All
> it needs is a starting point, namely this article in any language. From
> there, it will spider all the language links, and gather the initial
> paragraph/sentence of each article. It then generates a
> copy-and-paste-ready text, including language links.
> I was wondering - why not link to this tool in the instructions text for
> new articles? There could be a link to this tool using the name of the
> page to be created, and en.wikipedia as default. If an article with that
> name exists on en.wikipedia, it will generate said list of one-line
> descriptions which can be copied into that article. As this is exactly
> what commons articles/categories *should* contain, it might be a huge help.
> Magnus
> [1] http://tools.wikimedia.de/~magnus/commons_sumitup.php

A very very nice tool. It's new to me and I will use it in the future.

But we need on Commons a technique to show only those translations of
the users language (stored in preferences) with a fallback option to
englisch and/or all.

Also usefull for the display of multilanguage descriptions in galleries.

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