Yeah, I was wondering about that too.  I have nothing against L235, but don't remember it even being brought up.  T13

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From:"Maximilian Doerr" <>
Date:Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 18:23
Subject:Re: [xTools] Getting the tools moved

Hold on a second.  New members need to be discussed first.  I have absolutely no idea who L235 is.



English Wikipedia Account Creation Team

Mailing List Moderator


From: [] On Behalf Of Eugene Lee
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 6:05 PM
To: Discussion list for xTools
Subject: Re: [xTools] Getting the tools moved


1. the former ensures whatever version we have in whatever branch is what's running in production. it's preferred over (s)ftp/scp nonsense, and ensures we don't deal with "scriptsv1.file" and "scriptsv2-wrong-one.file"

2. yeup. got keys?

3. yeah, we're not going to deal with NFS, but yes, scp, and download out of desperation.

4. yeah, the entire legacy product is a sad bundle.

5. ++

6. sure, I'll deal in a few.

7. unsure - the code is already on github. I'd be down for either or, but believe since people already like github (I know I do) it'll probably stay there. Regardless, setting up hooks is simple.





On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 5:52 PM, L235 Wikipedia <> wrote:

I have a couple minor things:

  • Is there a difference between [cloning the git repo locally, making the changes locally - with a GUI - and then committing, pushing, and pulling/cloning on the instance] and [updating via SFTP on a graphical client then committing and pushing on the instance]?
  • Can't you inspect error logs via SSH/grep? 
  • The darned machine is connected over the internet; in the rare cases you truly need a file, you can be a little creative. NFS it to another labs machine, or SCP, heck, put it in /var/www for long enough to download it if you're *that* desperate.
  • What files do you have that aren't on the repo that you can't modify over SSH? If there are many, might need to consider making installation easier. 
  • Again, SCP is a thing.
  • I was going to ask this separately, but since I already have 10 bullet points, might as well here: could I have "member" access on the Nova project for this tool, so I can see how you're configuring things on the machine and possibly suggest improvements?
  • Why are you guys hosting the code on GitHub instead of on the WMF Git/Gerrit setup?


On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Maximilian Doerr <> wrote:

Yes, true, but the visual aspect is still there.  It could also come in handy to fetch an error log perhaps, or updating files that aren’t on the repo.



English Wikipedia Account Creation Team

Mailing List Moderator


From: [] On Behalf Of MusikAnimal
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 5:37 PM

To: Discussion list for xTools
Subject: Re: [xTools] Getting the tools moved


If we're talking just code changes, what's wrong with git and GitHub? A change you SFTP over will need to be committed and pushed to the repo anyway, no?


On 29 June 2015 at 17:27, Maximilian Doerr <> wrote:

I like SFTP, and simplifies many things for me.  It also lets me use my FTP GUI which helps me to visualize the setup better.  Seeing things visually helps me.



English Wikipedia Account Creation Team

Mailing List Moderator


From: [] On Behalf Of Eugene Lee
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 5:26 PM

To: Discussion list for xTools
Subject: Re: [xTools] Getting the tools moved


People still use (S)FTP!?


If it's explicitly wanted, I'll setup the appropriate ports, but there's a reason why bastion is in place.



On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 5:17 PM, Maximilian Doerr <> wrote:

Can we SFTP into it at least?



English Wikipedia Account Creation Team

Mailing List Moderator


From: [] On Behalf Of Eugene Lee
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 4:54 PM
To: Discussion list for xTools
Subject: Re: [xTools] Getting the tools moved


There is no public_html folder! =] We're no longer using a shared environment.


This is your traditional LAMP stack (for each host of course) sans MySQL since we don't need a server.


Things get served from /var/www.


Like I said, what we need to figure out is what dependencies xtools has (in regards to PHP modules). In addition, file paths need to be pointed to this new directory (sidenote: relative paths are always better).




On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Maximilian Doerr <> wrote:

With our environment on set up we need to move it.  But I’m still unclear with what Elee set up.  Where’s the public_html folder located?



English Wikipedia Account Creation Team

Mailing List Moderator


Maintainers: Cyberpower678, Technical 13, MusikAnimal, Elee, Nakon
xTools mailing list


Maintainers: Cyberpower678, Technical 13, MusikAnimal, Elee, Nakon
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Maintainers: Cyberpower678, Technical 13, MusikAnimal, Elee, Nakon
xTools mailing list


Maintainers: Cyberpower678, Technical 13, MusikAnimal, Elee, Nakon
xTools mailing list


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