yes send me

From: Women-iberocoop-contest <> on behalf of Dennis Tobar <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 6:58:25 PM
To: List to organize the contest The women you have never met
Subject: Re: [Women-contest] Contest updates
Hi Anna:

I'm interested to participate, buuuttt I'm in vacations this week :(


El mié., 8 de feb. de 2017 00:33, Anna Torres <> escribió:
Dear all, 

I have a meeting tomorrow to organize the call to action video for the contest! A part from Camelia and AK, anyone else interested?

Hope to hearing from you asap!


2017-02-07 2:46 GMT-03:00 AK Gmail <>:


We can make an short video & ask all to fwd them thru digital media, like mails & may be by phone also. That will surely help us.





From: Women-iberocoop-contest [] On Behalf Of Anna Torres
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2017 21:03
To: List to organize the contest The women you have never met
Subject: [Women-contest] Contest updates


Dear all, 


Hope you all are well :) 


I am sending you to update some information regarding the contest.


1. We are now working on the logo. We will be sending it, as soon as possible, this week!

2. We were thinking in doing a call to action video to make some noise everywhere. We are thinking in making a video where we are all involved and to be used as a call to action for all the communities around the world, to join and participate. For this we would need you to send us a short video. Would you be interested in doing something like that?

3. Again. The meta page for the contest is this one. The main activity now is to open a contest page in your local Wikipedia or specific project spaces. Also if you share Wikipedias you can do it together. Once you have done it, would be great if you share it here, so we can uploaded to the contest page.


Any questions? Please do not hesitage to ask!





Anna Torres Adell

Directora Ejecutiva

A.C. Wikimedia Argentina

Women-iberocoop-contest mailing list

Anna Torres Adell
Directora Ejecutiva
A.C. Wikimedia Argentina
Women-iberocoop-contest mailing list

Dennis Tobar Calderón
(Enviado desde un móvil, lamento lo breve o los errores de ortografía)