Hi Dennis,

For our local contest 'The woman you Have Never Met' in Morocco,we made our contest facebook page to promote the contest:


we made also an online contest from 18 mars to 9 April,the total of articles written is 23 articles
you will find the list of articles and contributors on this link:


we will have an edith-a-thon this Saturday as part of the contest  for the benefits of students,we were not able to do it because we have holidays last 15 days :


Best Regards,

2017-04-11 19:06 GMT+00:00 Dennis Tobar Calderón <dennis.tobar@wikimediachile.cl>:
Thanks Zana and Camelia for your reports. I send you the confirmation.

@Montserrat: your work in Wikimujeres is awesome!


Dennis Tobar Calderón Director - Wikimedia Chile http://www.wikimediachile.cl

El mar, 11 de abr 2017 a las 2:23 , Zana Strkovska <777.zana@gmail.com> escribió:
Hi Dennis,

Results from Macedonia (mk.wiki):

The winner is user: Marija Andevska, with 43 points.
The list of contributors and the articles - on this link


2017-04-11 9:24 GMT+02:00 Montserrat Boix <montse@wikimujeres.wiki>:
Felicidades Camelia! Buen trabajo!!

Montserrat Boix

2017-04-11 1:28 GMT+02:00 camelia boban <camelia.boban@gmail.com>:
Hi Denis.

This are our results: 

and theese aare our winners: 

We made an online contest from March 25th to April 3th, and who write the greatest number of articles is FloraFlavia (16 articles during the contest dates, > 31 total articles between March 4th and April 9).

Thank you, Camelia

Camelia Boban
Wikimedia Foundation Affiliations Committee

Freelance developer  |  WikiDonne founder

T. +39 0670301772 | M. +39 3383385545

Wikipedia | Twitter | Google Plus 

2017-04-10 21:20 GMT+02:00 Dennis Tobar Calderón <dennis.tobar@wikimediachile.cl>:
Hi everyone,

After a month in which many editors made great editions and improvements in the women biographies, it is time to judge and select your most prolific contributor!.

Here is some questions about the following steps:

What we need?
We need the username who made more women biographies based in points or article quantity and/or bytes sum -if there is a tie, you could select the user with more bytes added-.

How to report?
You must send us your language edition, the username and number of new biographies created by the contestant.
Optional: It is also welcome if you have the numbers of participants, articles created and the local page of coordination (if exists). If you haven't, don't be afraid to tell us!

Who to report?
Send an email to de@wikimedia.org.ar (cc'ing dennis.tobar@wikimediachile.cl) with the information, we will reply with the information to confirm the reception.

Final date to report the winners.
We will wait until April 30 (23.59 UTC) to receive the local contest winners.

Do you have questions?, don't be shy and make it on-list or send an email to de@wikimedia.org.ar and/or dennis.tobar@wikimediachile.cl.

Thanks everybody to make the things happens...

Kindly, -from a cold Santiago-

Dennis Tobar Calderón Director - Wikimedia Chile http://www.wikimediachile.cl

Women-iberocoop-contest mailing list

Women-iberocoop-contest mailing list

Women-iberocoop-contest mailing list

Women-iberocoop-contest mailing list

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