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From: David Narvaez <david.narvaez@computer.org>
Date: 2013/8/19
Subject: [Wiki Loves Monuments] [Jury Tool] Workflow Video
To: Wiki Loves Monuments Photograph Competition <wikilovesmonuments@lists.wikimedia.org>


I recorded this video of the workflow of configuring and starting to
use the jury tool. Unfortunately, at the time of that recording
several things had not been implemented yet, which I'll detail in the
list below.


The workflow after installing the tool using the steps mentioned in
the other thread is more or less as follows:

1. Select the number of rounds of your contest. This is, how many
times will the jury go over the pics

2. For each round you will be presented with a screen to configure the
options for that round. Then, for instance, if you configured your
contest to be of 3 rounds in step 1, you will see 3 configuration
screens in this step.

2.1 For each round you can select whether you want that to be an open
round or an invitational round. An open round means anybody can create
an account in your tool, and go over the pics. An invitational round
means only certain accounts in your tool will be able to go over the
pics of this round. Pending in my TODO list is a configuration option
to specify what accounts are invited to that round.

2.2 For each round you can select what type of scores will be used.
Binay score means Yes/No, while Star-based gives the jury a 5-stars
range to pic for each photo.

2.3 [Not in the video] For each round you can select what the scoring
policy will be. You can pick between the following options: All photos
are scored exactly once and All photos are scored by at least x
juries. Obviously, if you have an invitational round of 5 juries, then
configuring this round so that All photos are scored by at least 5
juries means All photos are scored by all juries.

2.4 For each round you can select the input of that round. Input may
be a category in commons, or a selection of the photos from the
previous round, or a plain text file containing the name of the photos
in commons. Whatever you pic here will be used to show a configuration
screen when the round is about to start.

3. Once all the information for each round is set, Round 1 is about to
start, so the tool will show a configuration screen for that. In the
video, since Round 1 was set to have a commons category as input, the
configuration screen asks for a commons category, you type the name,
and the pics from that round are loaded from the category. Had it been
configured as having input from a plain text file, the tool would have
asked for a file instead of a category in the configuration screen.

And that's it for the moment, there are some other pending things but
I think this covers most of the hassle of configuring the tool. Let me
know if you have any feedback.

David E. Narvaez

Wiki Loves Monuments mailing list