Hi Emirjp,

So I don't have control over the budget for the anniversary. That's not my job.

But I do know that we've given away nearly 5,000 shirts, and the number of buttons and stickers is in the tens of thousands. More importantly, we already did a second printing of shirts shortly before the anniversary. 

We printed merchandise to give away for the 10th anniversary on January 15th. We are going to continue to support events that are happening after the actual anniversary to the best of our ability, but our main goal was to celebrate Wikipedia Day in a special way. It was never in the plan to give away merchandise all year long. 

For those who were interested, the inventory we have is enough for 25-30 complete kits, plus a few more that would have a less complete mix of sizes. It should be enough to send to the events I am aware of at this point. 

On Jan 21, 2011, at 4:05 AM, emijrp wrote:

Oh, come on! $16M in the last fundraiser and you are lack of merchandising!? Order more!

2011/1/20 Steven Walling <swalling@wikimedia.org>
Hi everyone,

I've gotten quite a few emails requesting kits for events that are happening after the anniversary. I just wanted to give you all a quick update to say that we're still committed to sending out as many as we can, but I'm waiting on an exact inventory from our merchandise company. I don't want to promise kits that we can't deliver because we simply lack merchandise. 

I'm going to get back to as many of you as possible one on one to work around the dates you'll be holding your events, but after January 31st all bets are off as regards our ability to send kits. 


Steven Walling
Fellow at the Wikimedia Foundation

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Steven Walling
Fellow at the Wikimedia Foundation