Today (January 22nd 2011) from 3PM on (UTC+1) wikipedians from Croatia will celebrate 10th anniversary of Wikipedia.

Announce (and confirmations of arrival) is here:

RTL television shot report about our 10th anniversary for their primetime news (currently only very abridged version is online):!/video/video.php?v=1518393200838&oid=132961176768804

and also radio station Antena Zagreb:!/video/video.php?v=1659352137135

(for those who understand Croatian language).

Wikimedia Croatia with its limited resources made badges:

which will be today given to participants.

We will meet in club Aquarius ( where we will be online, my Skype account:


Yesterday on HRT (main television channel in Croatia) was watched live program "Peti dan", one of themes was Wikipedia,
they mentioned that 15th January is both
day when Croatia was internationally recognized and Wikipedia's birthday :-).
Part with Wikipeda will be put on facebook later.

We would appreciate if promo materials from Wikimedia would come to Wikimedia Croatia (to address I sent to Steven Walling some 15 days ago),
as we will have repetition on February 16th 2011 when we will celebrate 8th anniversary of hr wiki.

Kind regards

    SpeedyGonsales, president of Wikimedia Croatia