Hi Manual,

thank you for your response. Would you happen to know who I could contact at the IA about this?
We're going to SF on the 13th of december. Our plan is to share as much as possible during our trip. 

About IndieGoGo: usually - and also with our projects - you get all the smaller perks too with a larger perk. So you can choose a larger one without a problem. Or do you want to give something extra?



2014-11-22 13:53 GMT+01:00 Manuel Schneider <manuel.schneider@wikimedia.ch>:
Hi Sebastian,

Am 20.11.2014 13:02, schrieb Sebastiaan ter Burg:
> I thought you might be interested in a project that I'm working on: I'm
> preparing a trip to San Francisco to interview organisations and experts
> about the "Crowd Economy". We'll share the raw footage, timelines, etc.
> with a CC BY license. I've just posted an update about the workflow I
> plan to use. I'll gladly hear your suggestions to improve my workflow!

looks fine, except the fact that I am not in favour of using an external
cloudservice like Dropbox to store the data but you made your point in
the video, so I am not going to argue on that.
The only suggestion I have is to ask the Internet Archive if you could
host your stuff there. They did offer us to host the video editing
server, so they seem to be very open and friendly and besides it may
help with publicity being a "partner" of the IA.

Obviously I'd be happy to see WebM exports on Commons...

When will this project be implemented, what is the timeframe?

BTW IndieGogo is a bit stupid - when you choose a perk of a value lower
than what you donate, it is going to reduce the donation to the perk's

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