If anyone would like to join Wikipedia Day in NYC at the Ace Hotel tomorrow, we can have an open space session devoted to this:



On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 8:08 PM, Brion Vibber <bvibber@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Would love to be involved; let me know when-ish you're targeting and I'll try to reserve some travel time. (February 12-16 I'll be in London for the IIIF A/V working group meeting, otherwise I don't think I have too much locked down on my schedule this winter/spring.) NY or SF doesn't make a big difference to me, I'll have to fly from Portland either way. :)

If we can get a Wikimedia-integrated setup of Popcorn Editor that allows embedding the results easily, that would be *aawweessoommee* for building presentations, "share"-able videos for social media, and educational materials in general, even if we don't have it directly sitting on Wikimedia Commons.

If I can break things down into a few parts (the frontend work on Popcorn, getting the backend renderer available and WebM-friendly, and getting social media sharing working) this should be doable. Some of this work will be in common with stuff I'm already planning to work on, like fixing how we manage the backend transcoding queues, and getting videos to play in social media shares.

The need for easy translation and other reuse -- and for easy batch uploading! -- also gives me something I can point to for why another push for direct MP4 support would be useful on the Wikimedia end. We've worked around some of those problems "the hard way" (with Ogg/WebM playback via JS or customized native iOS app) but others we still have no good solution for (uploading is still painful and some of the tools people use for converting from MP4 have been temporarily disabled due to queue backup; we're looking at using IA as an intermediary converter plus backup/archive/share-out).

-- brion

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 6:59 AM, Benjamin Moskowitz <benrito@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey all,

We made some great progress on the Internet Archive deployment, thanks to the technical leadership of Tracey Jaquith at the Archive (she’s cc’d):

The repository is here:


We’re all really eager to resume conversations about how to leverage this work for the Wikimedia Commons.

Brion, Tracey, myself and a number of others were part of a meeting at NYU last year: http://benrito.github.io/video-commons2016/ One goal of that meeting was to get a better sense of the ecosystemic opportunities for open video that we could unlock with the help of public interest media orgs like WMF and the Archive. 

If we can enable Victor’s use case below at some bigger scale, maybe envision some WikiEdu-style supports to teachers, that would create more incentives for public media producers, GLAMs, universities, MOOCs and others to contribute their video to the commons. Peter Kaufman, who I know is on this list, has done a lot of great analysis for education and public media donors on this.

We are planning on hosting a follow-up meeting in NYC or SF early this year; would be great to have Wikimedian representation to help figure out how we might carry this agenda forward. If anyone is interested in helping to organize or take part, please let me know.

A group of us used to meet on this semi-regularly in 2015; perhaps we could resume these meetings too...


On Jan 3, 2017, at 10:54 PM, Victor Grigas <vgrigas@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Thanks - 

I just got this deletion notice a minute ago:
and an online video editor would help enormously when i have a complex montage and one little part gets flagged. If the sequence was online, anyone could modify as-needed.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Brion Vibber <brion@pobox.com> wrote:
Internet Archive has done some more work on it, I'll have to catch up on the current state of things.

-- brion

On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 7:30 AM Victor Grigas <vgrigas@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Brion, 

Is there any progress on this video editor?

On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 3:13 PM, Brion Vibber <bvibber@wikimedia.org> wrote:

One of the really cool ‘web maker’ projects that Mozilla sponsored in the last few years was Popcorn Maker,

an in-browser video editor that could take direct video clips or videos

from Youtube etc and let you remix to your heart’s content. (See Ben’s blog post from July and Mike’s presentation on Air Mozilla)

Obviously this capability is very attractive for the future of video on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia sites!

Unfortunately Mozilla has to shuffle priorities, and Popcorn Maker is on the outs.

Fortunately, there’s enough interest in the Wikimedia video world that we’re helping to pick it up!

Popcorn Editor is a standalone version of the Popcorn Maker editor tool, and I’m going to be helping with integrating that into MediaWiki. We’ve got a milestone in the bug tracker and everything. :)

If you’re interested in helping out, we’re going to have some work sprints at WikiConference USA next weekend in Washington, DC. Please come and help out!

-- brion


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