
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Jan Luca <jan@jans-seite.de> wrote:


the Sandbox Server proposal is not failed but Gerald had some problems at work so he had no time to look at the Sandbox Server the last month but he up again.


My last information was that he is speaking with another admin that could help with setting up and maintain the server. Maybe he will report the current situation in the mailing list, too.

Well, I had hoped my next public communication on this would be the announcement of the birth of the box, since we've been "real close now" on a number of occasionis, but life sometimes gets in the way.

We still have the support of WM-DE in principal, and that is good. And we have two admins, and I've worked through all of the red-tape type of stuff for getting a server deployed (paperwork and whatnot).

The current holdup is initial payment -- WM-DE had pledged ongoing support, but there are some setup charges that need to be paid, and I won't have funds onhand to cover these for another week or two. I'm also not sure of how long the WM-DE money flow will take, and I want to ensure I'm not eating dirt while I have to wait. :)

I've also been a bit busy, concluding one project and firing up a new one, and adjusting to the new place I'm hanging my hat.

I was originally hoping to have it open for business by April sometime, but my optimistic prediction is now sometime in May. I've contacted a few previous people who were interested in the Sandbox project, but I haven't got to touch base with everyone.

I would say we should start discussing projects, 'cause I'd like to get a few going out of the gate. All I do ask is you start another thread though.

I'd be happy to answer any further questions, though.
