@Erkan. Its written there, they will fund "community collages". I am not sure we are community collage than. But WMF may animate community collage members to use "wiki" - Commons might be enriched with a lot of new education images and videos from which Wikipedia may also benefit.

On the other side Wikiversity would need some programing via extensions or forking from mw, to be easier for the needs of wv communities and potentially to offer those CBTs as reported by Teemu. But before this will be done I think its hard to get more friends from brick and mortar collages. On the other side, just "text based" OERes might be freely deployed to Wikisource, Wikibooks and Wikiversity - collages dont need to develop their projects and all of them can share than.


2011/1/22 Erkan Yilmaz <erkan77@gmail.com>
a general question:
how much money is going to be put in Wikiversity anyways (by WMF or whomever)?

see also 

2011/1/20 Leigh Blackall <leighblackall@gmail.com>


Does/is WMF preparing a response Erik? And any advice yet on what the Sister Projects can do in preparation, or in making a bid?

On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Erik Moeller <erik@wikimedia.org> wrote:
This may turn out to be a huge win for free culture if it's
administered well. Many of the resulting resources may turn out to be
useful for Wikibooks, Wikiversity and Wikimedia Commons. I'm
especially pleased that they avoided adding non-commercial use

Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation

Support Free Knowledge: http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate

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Leigh Blackall
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