Also remember Semantic MediaWiki's syntax. [[Param::Value| ]] is used to hide the attribute and just add the semantic data, instead of rendering it as a link or whatever type of text.
~Daniel Friesen(Dantman) of:
-The Gaiapedia (
-Wikia ACG on (
-and (
Steve Bennett wrote:
On 2/4/08, Daniel Kinzler <> wrote:
Hi All
Please note that a space as a *sortkey*, as in [[Category:Foo| ]], is usable,
and actually used; it is much the same as using * or ! as a sort key: moves the
entry for the page to the top of the category. Some people prefer a space for
that, because it does not create a heading in the category listing (well,
actually, it does create an empty h3 tag). Though i can't tell you how often
it's actually used.

Anyway, treating [[Category:Foo| ]] just like [[Category:Foo|]], i.e. turning it
into [[Category:Foo|Foo]], would break things.

Cool, thanks for the tip. For the purposes of my grammar, I actually
treat [[internal links]], [[image:foo.jpg|images]] and
[[category:foo|categories]] as three totally separate, unrelated
things. Mostly because of the parameters:

Speaking of the grammar, it's going good now. Had some major dramas
with ANTLR, but we're on speaking terms again. :) It covers all
features except tables, categories (which I'm about to get onto) and
magic words like __TOC__. It parses perfectly except
for a slight bug in headings.


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