
I was not aware api.wikipedia are available in cached version !

I tried /rest_v1/ endpoint and it is terribly fast.

I have few questions for using proxy cache:
1# Is it possible to query a page by page_ID and return the resulting redirected page if necessary?

allow to get metadata by page, including the pageID , but I would like to have final page redirect (e.g. dna return 7956 and I would like to fetch 7955 of redirected 'DNA' )

 get the article but page_ID / curid is missing in source

I would like to get the two combined.

2# The rest are experimental:
what could happen if a query fail?
Does it raise an error, return 404 page or what else?
I am thinking if possible to use api.wikipedia as fallback, and use proxy cache as primary source any ajax example for doing that to handle possible failures?

3# Does /rest/ endpoint exist also for other languages?