Thanks, I'll check it out. Most of my site is now in .html
I'm prepared to archive it on but I've not yet understood how to proceed with a site that has several subdirs to store images and other special pages.

Kind regards,

On Tue, 14 Apr 2020 at 22:40, Federico Leva (Nemo) <> wrote:
Francis Franck, 14/04/20 23:32:
> Up to now I've got the best results with HTTrack. It Includes the
> sidebar on most of the pages.

If your skin is simple enough to work correctly as saved by HTTrack, we
lucky! The DumpHTML extension's main trouble was basically how to adapt
the skin. Another possibility is to use wget or wpull and save a WARC
file, to be then served with warc-proxy or similar. That's the standard
for web preservation.

It might be obvious, but don't forget to archive a full dump on

If you're the same person who asked about this on the #archiveteam and
#wikiteam channels, sorry for the repetition.
