
Parsoid actually has some support for basic template expansion as well, but it does not re-implement all extensions and parser functions from MediaWiki. Some of those like Lua scripting are used on many pages.

However, there is a production API for Parsoid HTML at See for the API docs. This API can sustain moderate traffic only right now (please don't send more than 10 req/s), but a faster API using RESTBase will come online in the next weeks.


On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 9:49 PM, Nitin Gupta <> wrote:

I created a nodejs service to convert wikitext to HTML with a frontent (written in Golang) which reads wikipedia dump and feed wikitext to this service[1]. However, after doing all this I discovered that Parsoid needs to contact wikimedia server for template expansion. Since I want to convert the entire wikipedia dump and HTML, I do not want to keep hitting wikimedia servers for template expansion requests.

So, are there any plans to add support to Parsoid to do this expansion offline. Once the wikipedia dump is downloaded, I want the entire process of converting to HTML to be offline (of course, don't need images).



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