Hi all,

The WMF Privacy and Machine Learning Platform teams are developing model cards to increase visibility, transparency, and accountability of algorithmic decision-making on WMF platforms. A model card is a document about a machine learning model that seeks to answer basic questions about the model in a clear and concise manner. The broad goal of this project is for every ML model hosted by WMF to have a model card for the community and public to understand, discuss, and govern that model.

We would love for you to give some feedback on the talk page of our prototype: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:HTriedman_(WMF)/Language_Agnostic_Link-Based_Article_Topic_Model_Card

We're specifically looking to answer the following questions:
- What aspects of the model card are useful, informative, or helpful?
- What aspects of the model card are confusing or unhelpful?
- Are there any features or sections that aren't on the model card that you would like to see?

Thanks so much!