This email is a summary of the Wikimedia production deployment of 1.39.0-wmf.28

Conductor: Jeena Huneidi
Backup Conductor: Dan Duvall
Blocker Task: T314189
Current Status: Live everywhere

📊 Numbers

Sparklines comparing the last 5 trains.

247 Patches █▁▂▃▃
1 Rollbacks ▃█▃▁▃
1 Days of delay ▁▁█▁█
2 Blockers ▁▃█▁▁

See even more numbers and charts in our train-stats repo on GitLab.

✨ Traintastic Folks ✨

Thanks to folks who reported or resolved blockers:

Kosta Harlan
Jon Robson

And thanks to Erik Bernhardson for reporting an incoming 🚂🔥 risky change

Next stop: 1.40.0-wmf.1!


Tyler Cipriani (he/him)
Engineering Manager, Release Engineering
Wikimedia Foundation