How are we doing in our strive for operational excellence? Read on to find out!


7 documented incidents in July, and 4 in August (Incident graphs). Read more about past incidents at Incident status on Wikitech.

Impact: For 16 minutes, edits and previews for pages with Score musical notes were slow or unavailable.

Impact: For several days, Thumbor p75 service response times gradually regressed by several seconds.

Impact: For 5 minutes, the MediaWiki API cluster in eqiad responded with higher latencies or errors.

Impact: For 13 minutes, the mobileapps service was serving HTTP 503 errors to clients.

Impact: No observed public-facing impact. Internal clean up took some work, e.g. for Ganeti VMs.

Impact: For 20 minutes, there was a small increase in error responses for thumbnails served from the Eqsin data center (Singapore).

Impact: For 10-15 minutes, a portion of wiki traffic from Eqiad-served regions was lost (about 1M uncached requests). For ~30 minutes, Phabricator was unable to access its database.

Impact: During planned downtime, other hosts ran out of space due to accumulating logs. No external impact.

Impact: No external impact.

Impact: For 7 hours, all Beta Cluster sites were unavailable.

Impact: For 36 minutes, errors were noticeable for some editors. Saving edits was unaffected.

Incident follow-up

Recently completed incident follow-up:

Brian (bking, WMF Search) noticed during an incident review that an internal server used an expired cert and renewed it in accordance with a documented process.

Tchanders (WMF AHT) filed this in 2020 after a recurring issue with stale interface labels. Work led by Ahmon (dancy, WMF RelEng).

Remember to review and schedule Incident Follow-up work in Phabricator! These are preventive measures and tech debt mitigations written down after an incident is concluded.

Highlight from the "Oldest incident follow-up" query:

  • T83729 Fix monitoring of poolcounter service.


The month of July saw 22 new production errors of which 9 are still open today. In August we encountered 29 new production errors of which 10 remain open today and have carried over to September.

Take a look at the workboard and look for tasks that could use your help.

💡 Did you know? To zoom in and find your team's error reports, use the appropriate "Filter" link in the sidebar of the workboard.

For the month-over-month numbers, refer to the spreadsheet data.


Thank you to everyone who helped by reporting, investigating, or resolving problems in Wikimedia production. Thanks!

Until next time,

– Timo Tijhof