As for the minutes of our meeting today, Grant joined and we discussed the Proposal for a Technical Decision Making Process.  Specifically, we went over Scope, Transition, Resourcing, and a bit about the Forum and Timeboxing.  The next steps are to establish a more concrete transition plan, from the current Tech Com process to the new process.  And Kate will be reaching out to team managers to begin establishing the Forum.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 9:58 PM Dan Andreescu <> wrote:
This is the weekly TechCom board review, usually in preparation for our meeting, a few days late this week because I forgot.  Apologies.

Activity since Monday 2020-10-06 on the following boards:

Committee inbox:

  • T263904: Are traits part of the stable interface?
  • T239742: "Should npm packages maintained by Wikimedia be scoped or unscoped?"
    • Both have been sitting in the inbox for a month or so, Tim first pointed this out a few weeks ago but we haven't triaged them yet.

Committee board activity (none)

New RFCs (none)

Phase progression (none)

IRC meeting request (none)

Other RFC activity:

  • T262946: Bump Firefox version in basic support to 3.6 or newer
    • Some agreement between Volker and Timo to keep the scope at just the Firefox version bump and move this RFC forward.  I think Volker is welcome to move this back to P4 unless I missed some other ongoing discussion?
  • T259771: RFC: Drop support for database upgrade older than two LTS releases
    • Discussion about upgrading from 1.16 (this humble reader says upgrading from a version that's 10 years old should not be a priority)