This release promotes Node.js 14 to be the default for the fresh-node command.

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Node.js 14 is now the default environment for the fresh-node command, this follows WMF CI (Thanks James Forrester!). [1] Node.js 12 remains available via fresh-node12. Node.js 10 has been removed after being deprecated since September of last year.

This release also adds support for detecting and installing to your home directory instead of system-wide, which is often preferred on Linux. The installer automatically selects one of $HOME/bin or $HOME/.local/bin if it exists and is in your "PATH". (Thanks Antoine Musso!)

If you encounter problems with Node.js 14 or experience other issues, let us know on Phabricator at This is also where you can previous tasks.

Fresh is a fast way to create isolated environments from your terminal. These can be used to work more responsibly with 'npm' developer tools such as ESLint, QUnit, Grunt, Selenium, and more. Example guide:

Timo Tijhof
