Leonard Vertighel <leonard.vertighel@web.de> wrote:

Am Montag, 19. Juli 2004 07:39 schrieb Anthere:
> Leonard Vertighel wrote:
> > Could you give me an example of a sentence where you would disclose your
> > gender as a female, but not as a male? I really can't think of one.
> Je suis ing?nieur
> Je suis ing?nieure

Nonsense ;-)

if (! female) { male }

There can't possibly be an example simply due to "tertium non datur".


Hum. Non sense ?
No, I was really serious here.
And I know not what "tertium non datur" is :-)
When I send a resum?, if I write
Anth?re : ing?nieur agronome
Then I can be anyone, man or woman.
In short ing?nieur is usually the term used for male and female gender.
If I write
Anth?re : Ing?nieure agronome
Then, I indicate I am a woman, and very likely, a feminist, since french people do not often use gendered version.
Ing?nieure is only used for female. Using it is deliberately a political act.
if (! female) { male } is just not true :-)
I personally do not care being an "utilisateur", as it is a general term, which I consider somehow neutral, just as "ing?nieur".
I fear a bit that adding such delicacies as utilisateur/utilisatrice will probably only result in longer loading times, and I would prefer that developers work on this wikimedia project wide communication system :-)
But if some people feel uncomfortable with the male-gender orientation of wiki software, and very much want to change that, welllll... this is important then :-)

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