Hello Tech Enthusiasts,

Welcome to the October’23  edition of our Tech Community Newsletter! We're excited to bring you a roundup of  highlights, news, and information of interest from and about the Wikimedia Technical Community.  The newsletter is compiled by staff(s) working on developer outreach

🥁 Here’s a sneak peek  of what to expect from this newsletter edition: 

Technical Community Spotlight: African Wikimedia Technical Community (AWTC)

Get inspired by the journey of the African Wikimedia Technical Community. Learn about their experiences, Upcoming Projects and Events, and areas you can support! 

Highlight from the Wikimania Hackathon

Catch a glimpse of the  innovation, creativity, and collaboration that unfolded at the Wikimania hackathon in Singapore! 

Read the full October’23 newsletter edition  here ➡️https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Community_Newsletter/2023/October

The Wikimedia Technical Community is large and diverse - it's hard to capture everything. We would love to  hear your ideas. Have a topic you'd like us to cover or a story to share? Ideas for future newsletter editions? Would like to have your community featured in the next edition? Please add your suggestion to the talk page or send an email to oonifade@wikimedia.org. We'd love to hear from you! 

If you'd like to keep up with updates and information, subscribe to the Technical Community Newsletter:


Until the next edition,

Onyinyechi Onifade 
Technical Community Program Manager
Wikimedia Foundation