
As an update, I'm afraid to announce that we will have to delay the process for some time.

As my previous e-mail states, we had intended to start the final renaming process in the week commencing 27 May. However, given the scale of the task, it now is clear that this would interfere with the community elections for the Wikimedia Foundation's Board, FDC and FDC Ombudsperson, which start on 1 June.

Voters' accounts would get renamed (and then possibly renamed further at their request), which would mean that the eligible-voter list would be out-of-date and need a huge amount of manual work by the Election Committee. As I'm sure you're all aware, the existing duties of the Committee are already taxing; adding this to their workload at the last minute would be highly unfair to them, and to the community who will wish to vote.

Although the finalisation of the Single User Login system is important, I cannot let it disrupt the community's voting. Because of this, I have decided to delay the renaming and the finalisation of SUL. This will not have an impact on existing features, though it will mean that non-global users may be unable to use new tools developed between now and finalisations.

Unfortunately, by the time the election is over, I will be focussed entirely on the wider roll-out of VisualEditor, which will continue for some time. I therefore intend to re-start the process in August, following Wikimania. I will let people know the updated schedule closer to the time.

Sorry for the disruption to everyone's plans. If you have any questions, please do ask.

James D. Forrester
Product Manager, VisualEditor
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. | @jdforrester