Don't move any wikis you care about there.
Deleting wikis without a backup is, pardon my language, insane.

Every wiki will eventually have a month without activity. Allowing archiving during some interim period is no substitute for being a more reliable store of knowledge. Miraheze is a ticking memory hole... I have helped set up wikis there that had periodic or seasonal activity and disappeared without a trace.


On Mon., Nov. 1, 2021, 8:51 p.m. Sam Wilson, <> wrote:

Regarding the deletion of wikis: my understanding is that they'll only be actually deleted after 180 days of in activity, and wiki admins get lots of warning (including options for someone else to adopt the wiki). Seems reasonable to me, mainly because they also offer a cool service for downloading XML dumps and tarballs of the images directory, so it's possible to keep your own external backups.

I don't have any wikis on Miraheze, but have in the past helped on some. My only involvement with them now is the occasional attempt to help review extensions for installation.

A few years ago there was an idea to move the Wikimedia Australia wikis there, but we never did in the end.

On 2/11/21 8:36 am, rtnF wrote:
Back then, i proposed a new wiki sister project to the WMID staff. They suggested me to build it on miraheze instead. As for now, i'm currently managing two wikis there. Here's what i learned so far :

1.You have to submit a proposal to create a new wiki. Not all proposal is accepted.

2. Even though we dont have access to the server and the source code, the wiki customization is really good. Set up our own domain, add some mediawiki extensions, and (if needed) we can contact the developers via phabricator.

3. No edit activity for the last 1 month -> declared as "dormant wiki" -> possible deletion.

4. The server infrastructure is (sometimes) not quite comparable to WMF's infrastructure. Expect some lags and downtimes. (They're still working hard to fix this issue right now)

5. The community on is quite active.

6. Powered solely by donations. Surprisingly they're so transparent regarding their financial information.

Closing statement : No ads, better than wikia. Some large scale organization are already using miraheze as their private wiki. It's easier to just use miraheze and pay the donation instead of running and managing their own wiki servers (it's technically a cloud-based "wiki as a service")

On Tue, Nov 2, 2021, 4:22 AM ลฝeljko Blaฤ‡e <> wrote:
I am interested in what is the overall momentum of the ecosystem
compared to Wikimedia and dynamics of the community there compared to
EN Wikipedia or Wikidata?
I wanna both start recommending it (love the idea or smaller and
bolder version of Wikimedia) and use it (more licences and content
Should I be cautious or alert of any specific differences? (aside from
obvious absence of WMF and presence of more 'trivial' fandom content
:-p )

Best Z. Blace
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