+ the live-tweet



2016-02-10 9:34 GMT+01:00 Nicolas VIGNERON <vigneron.nicolas@gmail.com>:

2016-02-10 9:15 GMT+01:00 Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84@gmail.com>:

On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84@gmail.com> wrote:
* How many reports / blogposts are out there about the conference?

I'll riformulate the question:
did you write something, in your language or English, about the conference?
Blogposts, speeches, conferences, discussion threads are all ok, we just want to collect the conversations happened.

One small question : for « 23 language communities represented », did you count the breton? I was alone but I'm 1/5th of this small community and the mission statement has been translated in breton ;)

Cdlt, ~nicolas

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