Cbrown1023 of the English Wikiquote has requested that fellow administrator, Poetlister, be removed as a sysop citing reasons such as being a staff member of Wikipedia Review (http://wikipediareview.com/) and being blocked on the English Wikipedia as a sockpuppet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:AN#Runcorn_and_sockpuppets_banned).  The Wikipedia Review is a website intended to constructively criticize the many projects of Wikimedia, but has instead been stalking users and administrators on wikis and causing other large-scale problems.


The issue in itself is quite complicated, but Poetlister’s trust has been put into question and after discussion, she may face a vote on whether or not she may keep her sysop status.  Due to the fact that many users on the English Wikiquote may have a conflict of interest and we need more opinions to be fair, I request that any and all user who read this put forth their opinion at the English Wikiquote’s Village pump. (http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Wikiquote:Village_pump#Poetlister)


Thank you,

Casey Brown
