Never assume OA or otherwise freely accessible articles are in any way full or adequate substitutes for articles as published in scholarly journals.

Editorial and referee suggestions incorporated into the published version, figures, tables, pictures under copyright, links to statistical and other supporting data, copyrighted textual extracts of some length - the list of commonly missing features of scholarly import in self-archived and institutionally archived pre-pub and OA versions goes on and on... ,

Pagination is crucial in many fields and OA and pre-pub versions frequently have no correlation with pagination of published version.

OA or pre-pub version linkage may helpfully supplement, but should never replace link to official scholarly publication.

Bots may usefully append freely accessible version, but should not revise existing citation and linkage to officially published version, universally cited in scholarship.

The relevant Wikipedia Policy is Verifiability - accessibility and paywalls are addressed on that Policy page.

Paul S. Wilson
Research Coordinator
The Wikipedia Library