Me too!!! I don't know why this stats comes here? 

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, Ragib Hasan <> wrote:
I'm very curious and skeptical .... are these correct? I looked at the Bengali language articles, and they are ALLl Olympic games related articles that are likely autogenerated/written. I find it very hard to believe that these set of Olympic games articles will be the mot read articles. In fact, I strongly believe that the stats are not correct as the articles I see under Bengali cannot possibly be of major interest to readers of Bangla Wikipedia.

User:Ragib on bn/en

Ragib Hasan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor & Director, UAB SECRETLab
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL 35294

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 1:34 AM, Ravishankar Ayyakkannu <> wrote:
It will be a good idea to improve the quality of these articles and related articles so that popular demand for knowledge in Indian languages is met adequately.

is also a good stats index to understand the reach of various Indian language Wikipedias.


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