For those who’re IRC regulars you might have noticed I’ve appended a little bit to the #wikinews topic – a link to the Paul Foot Award which I picked up from the UK’s famous (or should I say infamous) Private Eye magazine.


The link is and everyone - particularly our UK contributors – should read up on this. The award may have fine-print constraints that only people based in the UK can apply, but that doesn’t disallow our coverage that we submit being on a more global, or possibly European, subject.


Where I was – selfishly – thinking I could get into this was in the EU copyright extension stuff. After Michael and I attended the EFF/ORG party and got a damn good interview, I tried to get a few people to talk to us – no joy. If you can think of parties we could possibly get statements from this would be terrific. I am going to have another go at getting a response from the commissioner responsible and Sir Paul McCartney’s rights management company. The hook of trying to win the Paul Foot Award might make them more sympathetic about talking to us.


If you have any other ideas about any topic we could do campaigning/investigative journalism on then speak up now! Campaigning might be out of the question due to [[WN:NPOV]], but investigative is something we do well when we put ourselves to it. If anyone suggests Scientology, they will be left going, “mummy, mummy! why do I keep walking in circles?” because I will nail one of their feet to the ground.



Brian McNeil