Start a online petition campaign and statement against the unreasonable arrest of our fellow  Wikimedian.

On Mon, 26 Apr 2021, 01:11 Jyothis E, <> wrote:
FYI - it appears that this did not make it to the list.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: praveenp <>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 at 13:16
Subject: Condition of a Wikimedian, arrested by UP Police
To: Discussion list on Indian language projects of Wikimedia. <>
Cc: Malayalam Wikimedia Project Mailing list <>

Dear Indian Wikimedians,

As many of you may have known, one of our fellow Wikimedian was arrested by Uttar Pradesh Police in October 2020. His name is Siddique Kappan (His wikimedia username is User:Sidheeq). He is from Kerala, and he was active in Wikimedia projects (mainly in Malayalam Wikipedia) until his arrest.

Incidently he is a journalist and he was arrested from the home of Hathras rape and murder victim while reporting the victim Dalit girl's family members. UP Police has slapped Sedition, Terrorism as well as UAPA charges against him.

Kappen is diabetic and now COVID positive. He was admitted to hospital only after he collapsed in the jail cell. With his deteriorating health, it was accused that Kappan was chained to hospital bed like an animal. Today's news reports say that he is in critical condition. (You could always google "Siddique Kappan")

As a tone deaf people I don't expect anything from this mail, I just wish to share the information.

Stay Inside, Stay Complementary (non-critical), Stay safe, Stay healthy.



Siddique's page:
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